$5 Full of Empty is a young adult novel mixing up family, friendship and humor with food as the main ingredient. The story opens with Lani and Sister's mother found passed out on the kitchen floor in a puddle of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Not sure if she is dead or alive, they call for help and hope their mother doesn't share the same fate as Mr. Finkbiner who recently died of a heart attack. Meanwhile, with the help of their friends at Washington Middle School, the two girls set out to fight the Parent Association's new policy to ban all processed foods and sugar from the school cafeteria. Dealing with their crisis at home and the battle at school, Lani and Sister come up with creative solutions to their complicated problems.

Full of Empty is a young adult novel mixing up family, friendship and humor with food as the main ingredient. The story opens with Lani and Sister's mother found passed out on the kitchen floor in a puddle of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Not sure if she is dead or alive, they call for help and hope their mother doesn't share the same fate as Mr. Finkbiner who recently died of a heart attack. Meanwhile, with the help of their friends at Washington Middle School, the two girls set out to fight the Parent Association's new policy to ban all processed foods and sugar from the school cafeteria. Dealing with their crisis at home and the battle at school, Lani and Sister come up with creative solutions to their complicated problems.

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