$13 Good Decisions. Most of the Time is not just another diet or nutrition book. It's an adventure into the foundations of nutrition and the inner workings of your body, where even the smallest change can bring about a dramatic shift in how you look and feel. If you have a vision of your best self, but have not been able to turn that vision into a reality, this book will give you the tools and information you need to achieve that vision. From the psychology of food to nutritional nuggets, Good Decisions will guide you down your own hallway of life, increase your ability to self-govern effectively around food, and teach you how to be in tune with your body and what it needs. The health of your body reflects the health of your mind and spirit, so isn't it time to make a change? Isn't it time to shine as you gain strength and confidence in your ability to make Good DecisionsMost of the Time What You Will Learn: The foundations of nutrition How to deal with powerful emotions and food cravings Which foods increase mental clarity and which foods dull the mind How to eat to increase energy and vitality Which foods pack on the weight and which ones help you shed it Which foods decrease sex drive and which foods support it How hormonal imbalances affect sleep, energy, and mood, and how you can USE food to bring hormones back into balance. And much, much more! Good Decisions will take you on a five-step foundational journey through the art and science of nutrition where you will learn:1. BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION AND THE NO-SUGAR CHALLENGE. Before you can lose weight, regain mental clarity, or increase energy, you must bring blood sugar irregularities back into balance. 2. DIGESTIVE HEALTH. You could eat the healthiest diet on the planet, but if you are not digesting your food and absorbing nutrients, it will do you no good. 3. MINERAL BALANCE. If your minerals are not balanced, your body may steal precious minerals from your bones. Ensuring adequate intake and.

Good Decisions. Most of the Time is not just another diet or nutrition book. It's an adventure into the foundations of nutrition and the inner workings of your body, where even the smallest change can bring about a dramatic shift in how you look and feel. If you have a vision of your best self, but have not been able to turn that vision into a reality, this book will give you the tools and information you need to achieve that vision. From the psychology of food to nutritional nuggets, Good Decisions will guide you down your own hallway of life, increase your ability to self-govern effectively around food, and teach you how to be in tune with your body and what it needs. The health of your body reflects the health of your mind and spirit, so isn't it time to make a change? Isn't it time to shine as you gain strength and confidence in your ability to make Good DecisionsMost of the Time What You Will Learn: The foundations of nutrition How to deal with powerful emotions and food cravings Which foods increase mental clarity and which foods dull the mind How to eat to increase energy and vitality Which foods pack on the weight and which ones help you shed it Which foods decrease sex drive and which foods support it How hormonal imbalances affect sleep, energy, and mood, and how you can USE food to bring hormones back into balance. And much, much more! Good Decisions will take you on a five-step foundational journey through the art and science of nutrition where you will learn:1. BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION AND THE NO-SUGAR CHALLENGE. Before you can lose weight, regain mental clarity, or increase energy, you must bring blood sugar irregularities back into balance. 2. DIGESTIVE HEALTH. You could eat the healthiest diet on the planet, but if you are not digesting your food and absorbing nutrients, it will do you no good. 3. MINERAL BALANCE. If your minerals are not balanced, your body may steal precious minerals from your bones. Ensuring adequate intake and.

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