$13 Next time you are in a crowded public place; look to the person on your left and look to the person on your right. One of you, statistically, will die of cancer. Another one of you will die of a heart attack… unless things change! I can already hear cries of, "It won't be me!" And I hope so. A third of people in Europe, North and South America are dying from cancer, and half are dying from heart attack, and it's spreading rapidly around the world. But it's worse than that; chronic disease, due to obesity and poor diet, is hitting people at a younger age, as the years progress. Our children are becoming chronically ill young adults, who are destined to extend their life by medicine, in pain and misery, without the good quality of life they deserve. Whilst you will find me outspoken and blunt in this book, it is not meant to be judgemental. It just 'is'. I have opinions and I have written them; but I have also drawn this information from masses of research. I grew up with a very fat mother, who was always over-eating and eating the wrong things. She ended up a life-time diabetic around the age of 50, with adult onset diabetes. My way of dealing with this, was to develop a fear of getting fat; and at an early age, got heavily into sport and exercise. I had no idea that 'what' I ate, was equally as important as the amounts that I ate. As the years went by, my nutrition expertise grew, especially when I got into body-building for a period in my life. I met Jill in 1994, and as the years went by, gained weight and maxed out at my heaviest-ever weight, at the age of 57, which was about 5 stone overweight. Because I carried a lot of muscle, I didn't look really fat, just big, and my BMI (Body mass Index) was not overly excessive at 32. My blood pressure though, was high, and although I didn't realise it, my body was crying out for the right food, and in smaller quantities. In November 2011, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and was told if I didn't have it cut out or ra

Next time you are in a crowded public place; look to the person on your left and look to the person on your right. One of you, statistically, will die of cancer. Another one of you will die of a heart attack… unless things change! I can already hear cries of, "It won't be me!" And I hope so. A third of people in Europe, North and South America are dying from cancer, and half are dying from heart attack, and it's spreading rapidly around the world. But it's worse than that; chronic disease, due to obesity and poor diet, is hitting people at a younger age, as the years progress. Our children are becoming chronically ill young adults, who are destined to extend their life by medicine, in pain and misery, without the good quality of life they deserve. Whilst you will find me outspoken and blunt in this book, it is not meant to be judgemental. It just 'is'. I have opinions and I have written them; but I have also drawn this information from masses of research. I grew up with a very fat mother, who was always over-eating and eating the wrong things. She ended up a life-time diabetic around the age of 50, with adult onset diabetes. My way of dealing with this, was to develop a fear of getting fat; and at an early age, got heavily into sport and exercise. I had no idea that 'what' I ate, was equally as important as the amounts that I ate. As the years went by, my nutrition expertise grew, especially when I got into body-building for a period in my life. I met Jill in 1994, and as the years went by, gained weight and maxed out at my heaviest-ever weight, at the age of 57, which was about 5 stone overweight. Because I carried a lot of muscle, I didn't look really fat, just big, and my BMI (Body mass Index) was not overly excessive at 32. My blood pressure though, was high, and although I didn't realise it, my body was crying out for the right food, and in smaller quantities. In November 2011, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and was told if I didn't have it cut out or ra

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