$4 An 86 year old devout Christian examines the belief in eternal torment using the Bible alone as the supreme authority. Since the Bible reveals God as just, a question arises: Is the Original Sin by Adam (Romans 5:12) a just basis for hellfire? Despite this being generally believed by Christians, the Bible's answer is conclusively negative. During the thousands of years of God's dealings with humans as reported in the 39 books of the Old Testament, is there any evidence of a just God warning of the punishment of eternal torment in hellfire? None? Why? The Apostle Paul was the main spokesperson for Christ after his crucifixion as reported in the New Testament. Is there any scriptural evidence of Paul teaching eternal torment in hellfire? None? Why? Jesus described the destiny of those adversely judged at Judgment Day as going to Gehenna, where "the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched." Do those words describe terrible pain or complete destruction? The story of the rich man and Lazarus is accepted by some Christians as an accurate description of what happens to people at death. Careful examination proves that to be impossible. The fantastic word symbols of Revelation including "torment forever and ever" are shown to be impossible to be taken literally. Above all, this book shows the Bible is consistent in portraying God as merciful, loving and absolutely just. Impartiality is the very essence of his justice. His character, his very nature rules out any possibility of millions of ages of burning torment for those who have never even heard of Jesus or of sinners. Every individual will be judged according to his works. Certainly a just loving God would have warned the human family of an endless burning destiny. He did not. Not one time. The authors goal is that after reading this book, the reader-perhaps through tears of joy-will exclaim "Now I KNOW that God would never do such a terrible thing!

An 86 year old devout Christian examines the belief in eternal torment using the Bible alone as the supreme authority. Since the Bible reveals God as just, a question arises: Is the Original Sin by Adam (Romans 5:12) a just basis for hellfire? Despite this being generally believed by Christians, the Bible's answer is conclusively negative. During the thousands of years of God's dealings with humans as reported in the 39 books of the Old Testament, is there any evidence of a just God warning of the punishment of eternal torment in hellfire? None? Why? The Apostle Paul was the main spokesperson for Christ after his crucifixion as reported in the New Testament. Is there any scriptural evidence of Paul teaching eternal torment in hellfire? None? Why? Jesus described the destiny of those adversely judged at Judgment Day as going to Gehenna, where "the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched." Do those words describe terrible pain or complete destruction? The story of the rich man and Lazarus is accepted by some Christians as an accurate description of what happens to people at death. Careful examination proves that to be impossible. The fantastic word symbols of Revelation including "torment forever and ever" are shown to be impossible to be taken literally. Above all, this book shows the Bible is consistent in portraying God as merciful, loving and absolutely just. Impartiality is the very essence of his justice. His character, his very nature rules out any possibility of millions of ages of burning torment for those who have never even heard of Jesus or of sinners. Every individual will be judged according to his works. Certainly a just loving God would have warned the human family of an endless burning destiny. He did not. Not one time. The authors goal is that after reading this book, the reader-perhaps through tears of joy-will exclaim "Now I KNOW that God would never do such a terrible thing!

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