$17 In the food court at the Greenville Mall, Jessica LeCroix drops a bomb: "I'm a lesbian." Ramie Grant cannot believe her ears. Jess! Her best friend, her teammate…a homosexual? It's all way too much for Ramie to handle. I can't deal with this right now. It's just a matter of time before others on the basketball team find out. Quickly, little jokes become vicious attacks, making Jessica even more reluctant to share an even bigger secret. Ramie and fellow teammate BJ want to do the right thing, except so far, everything they do has backfired. In the end, Ramie must decide if she will stand by Jessica's side or turn her back on a friend in need.

In the food court at the Greenville Mall, Jessica LeCroix drops a bomb: "I'm a lesbian." Ramie Grant cannot believe her ears. Jess! Her best friend, her teammate…a homosexual? It's all way too much for Ramie to handle. I can't deal with this right now. It's just a matter of time before others on the basketball team find out. Quickly, little jokes become vicious attacks, making Jessica even more reluctant to share an even bigger secret. Ramie and fellow teammate BJ want to do the right thing, except so far, everything they do has backfired. In the end, Ramie must decide if she will stand by Jessica's side or turn her back on a friend in need.

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