$16 Chocoholics rejoice! This little book is dedicated to the 15 out of every 10 of us who love chocolate. Theresa Cheung, one of the 15, was left wondering after a recent episode of utter cocoa indulgence, "What if I could devour life with the same commitment and passion with which I devour chocolate?" After much thought and a good deal of taste-testing, this guide to a richer life was born. Follow Cheung's seven silky smooth chocolate principles and your life will never be the same: Discover the Sweet CenterLet It Melt in Your MouthChocolate Makes You Feel GoodNo Need to Eat the Whole BoxA Little Good Chocolate Goes a Long WayPass the Chocolate (hint, hint: share the joy, spread the wealth, give a little). All combined they lead up to the ultimate seventh principle "Chocolate Heaven" which offers permanent ways to help you lift yourself up and lead a happy life. But hey, you can't get to the seventh without devouring the first six servings, um, principles. Along the way, Cheung offers up recipes, stories, and trivia - all about chocolate and improving your life. Did you know that dark chocolate fans tend to be forward thinking and optimistic? Or that the melting point of chocolate is just below our normal temperature, which is why it melts in our mouth? Or that Casanova drank chocolate daily and declared it the elixir of love Embrace your love of chocolate and while you're at it, grab a bar (or two) and settle in with this book. Better Than Sex will lead you to the creamy center of what's really good - in life, love, and in food!

Chocoholics rejoice! This little book is dedicated to the 15 out of every 10 of us who love chocolate. Theresa Cheung, one of the 15, was left wondering after a recent episode of utter cocoa indulgence, "What if I could devour life with the same commitment and passion with which I devour chocolate?" After much thought and a good deal of taste-testing, this guide to a richer life was born. Follow Cheung's seven silky smooth chocolate principles and your life will never be the same: Discover the Sweet CenterLet It Melt in Your MouthChocolate Makes You Feel GoodNo Need to Eat the Whole BoxA Little Good Chocolate Goes a Long WayPass the Chocolate (hint, hint: share the joy, spread the wealth, give a little). All combined they lead up to the ultimate seventh principle "Chocolate Heaven" which offers permanent ways to help you lift yourself up and lead a happy life. But hey, you can't get to the seventh without devouring the first six servings, um, principles. Along the way, Cheung offers up recipes, stories, and trivia - all about chocolate and improving your life. Did you know that dark chocolate fans tend to be forward thinking and optimistic? Or that the melting point of chocolate is just below our normal temperature, which is why it melts in our mouth? Or that Casanova drank chocolate daily and declared it the elixir of love Embrace your love of chocolate and while you're at it, grab a bar (or two) and settle in with this book. Better Than Sex will lead you to the creamy center of what's really good - in life, love, and in food!

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