$17 This is a compelling story of the multiple woes that befall a precocious and desperately lonely child growing into adulthood in a world devoid of tolerable toilet facilities. It deals with a very real, admittedly unpleasant, problem that plagues human existence in the underdeveloped world. It is a manifest law of nature that what goes into the stomach must come out, sooner or later, as body waste. But what happens where bearable, basic facilities for discharging this excrement are nonexistent? Amfriyie, our tragic hero, grew up in a world where there were absolutely no dignifying alternatives to the loathsome pit latrine. Following his first experience of its degradation, he swore to never again USE one. But as his only remaining option of resorting to hidden corners in the open air proved to be increasingly untenable, his life quickly became a virtual battleground between needing to eat and refusing to eat sufficiently. The inflexible Amfriyie became terribly alone. Solidarity and sympathy were scant in a world where everyone except him managed to make a virtue of necessity of the detestable pit latrine. When Amfriyie was but six years old, his fortuitous but tragic exposure to a neighborhood girl of his dreams while he was defecating in a hideout cost him staggeringly painful emotional anguish and isolation. In primary school, his inclination to eat as little as possible in order to lessen the trials and tribulations attendant on putting food in the stomach pushed him to the edge of physical collapse. During his high school years, bowel problems resulted in the rupture and tragic termination of his relationship to a sweetheart who alone had shielded him from the suffocating solitariness of his life. In his university years and thereafter, his commitment to redemptive politics geared toward reconstruction and modernization of society away from entrenched primitive conditions earned him powerful enemies who contrived his untimely assassination. The ubiquit.

This is a compelling story of the multiple woes that befall a precocious and desperately lonely child growing into adulthood in a world devoid of tolerable toilet facilities. It deals with a very real, admittedly unpleasant, problem that plagues human existence in the underdeveloped world. It is a manifest law of nature that what goes into the stomach must come out, sooner or later, as body waste. But what happens where bearable, basic facilities for discharging this excrement are nonexistent? Amfriyie, our tragic hero, grew up in a world where there were absolutely no dignifying alternatives to the loathsome pit latrine. Following his first experience of its degradation, he swore to never again USE one. But as his only remaining option of resorting to hidden corners in the open air proved to be increasingly untenable, his life quickly became a virtual battleground between needing to eat and refusing to eat sufficiently. The inflexible Amfriyie became terribly alone. Solidarity and sympathy were scant in a world where everyone except him managed to make a virtue of necessity of the detestable pit latrine. When Amfriyie was but six years old, his fortuitous but tragic exposure to a neighborhood girl of his dreams while he was defecating in a hideout cost him staggeringly painful emotional anguish and isolation. In primary school, his inclination to eat as little as possible in order to lessen the trials and tribulations attendant on putting food in the stomach pushed him to the edge of physical collapse. During his high school years, bowel problems resulted in the rupture and tragic termination of his relationship to a sweetheart who alone had shielded him from the suffocating solitariness of his life. In his university years and thereafter, his commitment to redemptive politics geared toward reconstruction and modernization of society away from entrenched primitive conditions earned him powerful enemies who contrived his untimely assassination. The ubiquit.

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