$4 In all of recorded history, humanity has never been engaged in a battle as significant as the one we face today. Never has our future been threatened as severely as it is now. The enemy is not a terrorist organization or a rogue nation seeking global domination; it is the environment we have created -the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. We have taken the gifts of life presented to us and poisoned them. Over the last two centuries, the human race has radically altered this planet and in so doing has radically reduced its own capacity to deal with toxic exposure. The human body possesses an incomprehensible wisdom that we have yet to fully grasp, a wisdom that enables us to heal from a multitude of injuries, illnesses, and traumas. However, our bodies were not designed to manage the magnitude of toxicity we expose them to every day. The result is an epidemic of cancer, respiratory and heart disease, diabetes, allergies, and a multitude of other environmental and physical illnesses. Detoxification, on both a global and a personal level, has become a necessity in our modern world. My introduction to detoxification grew out of necessity. I was exposed to Agent Orange-considered the most toxic human-made toxin ever produced-on numerous occasions during the Vietnam War. As a result of this exposure, I developed a nerve disease known as peripheral neuropathy that affects much of my body, causing me to limp and limiting the use of my arms and hands. I found no solutions in our conventional medical system and eventually began what has now become my pioneering research and writing in the natural health movement. I learned that my lymphatic system was essential for dealing with toxins in the body and how, by naturally cleansing the lymph and other systems, I could not only eliminate these toxins but also lose weight and alleviate other health conditions at the same time. I am, as far as I know, the longest survivor of Agent Orange-induced periphera

In all of recorded history, humanity has never been engaged in a battle as significant as the one we face today. Never has our future been threatened as severely as it is now. The enemy is not a terrorist organization or a rogue nation seeking global domination; it is the environment we have created -the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. We have taken the gifts of life presented to us and poisoned them. Over the last two centuries, the human race has radically altered this planet and in so doing has radically reduced its own capacity to deal with toxic exposure. The human body possesses an incomprehensible wisdom that we have yet to fully grasp, a wisdom that enables us to heal from a multitude of injuries, illnesses, and traumas. However, our bodies were not designed to manage the magnitude of toxicity we expose them to every day. The result is an epidemic of cancer, respiratory and heart disease, diabetes, allergies, and a multitude of other environmental and physical illnesses. Detoxification, on both a global and a personal level, has become a necessity in our modern world. My introduction to detoxification grew out of necessity. I was exposed to Agent Orange-considered the most toxic human-made toxin ever produced-on numerous occasions during the Vietnam War. As a result of this exposure, I developed a nerve disease known as peripheral neuropathy that affects much of my body, causing me to limp and limiting the use of my arms and hands. I found no solutions in our conventional medical system and eventually began what has now become my pioneering research and writing in the natural health movement. I learned that my lymphatic system was essential for dealing with toxins in the body and how, by naturally cleansing the lymph and other systems, I could not only eliminate these toxins but also lose weight and alleviate other health conditions at the same time. I am, as far as I know, the longest survivor of Agent Orange-induced periphera

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