$ 4.99 This certified-organic pearled wheat grain comes from Italy, specifically the Mugello region of Tuscany. Farro, also known as Emmer Wheat, is the world's original grain from which all others derive, including rice, barley, wheat and rye. Because it is hard to grow, farro almost became extinct after World War II. However, it is now making a big comeback, especially in Italy, where the top restaurants feature it in soups and side dishes. It has a pleasant nuttiness and a hearty texture. Naturally high in fiber, protein, and B-vitamins, it is also very low in gluten, which is good for those who have an allergy. Farro grains look like brown short-grain rice, but each grain retains a firm, chewy texture even after cooking.

This certified-organic pearled wheat grain comes from Italy, specifically the Mugello region of Tuscany. Farro, also known as Emmer Wheat, is the world's original grain from which all others derive, including rice, barley, wheat and rye. Because it is hard to grow, farro almost became extinct after World War II. However, it is now making a big comeback, especially in Italy, where the top restaurants feature it in soups and side dishes. It has a pleasant nuttiness and a hearty texture. Naturally high in fiber, protein, and B-vitamins, it is also very low in gluten, which is good for those who have an allergy. Farro grains look like brown short-grain rice, but each grain retains a firm, chewy texture even after cooking.

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