The Many Health Benefits of Lavender~ Here are just a few other conditions that lavender can help with: Acne, Alopecia areata, Anxiety. Athlete's foot, Burns, Cold sores, Colic (for babies), Cramps, Dandruff,   Diaper rash, Eczema, Sinus, Congestion, Headache Relief, Insect Bites/Stings, Insomnia, Psoriasis,   Rash and Sunburn.   #Spa #aromatherapy #relax #pampering

The Many Health Benefits of Lavender~ Here are just a few other conditions that lavender can help with: Acne, Alopecia areata, Anxiety. Athlete's foot, Burns, Cold sores, Colic (for babies), Cramps, Dandruff, Diaper rash, Eczema, Sinus, Congestion, Headache Relief, Insect Bites/Stings, Insomnia, Psoriasis, Rash and Sunburn. #Spa #aromatherapy #relax #pampering

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