Former Pinner says: Shut the front door ...these are fabulous! They are -broiled- avocados which have been cross-hatched cut to allow equal amts of Tabasco Chipolte Sauce & lime juice to sink in; sea salt & pepper; & melted parm. cheese,  Holy cow! ~ I was on the fence about avocados in general, these lil babies knock me flat off & into their waiting arms!

Former Pinner says: Shut the front door ...these are fabulous! They are -broiled- avocados which have been cross-hatched cut to allow equal amts of Tabasco Chipolte Sauce & lime juice to sink in; sea salt & pepper; & melted parm. cheese, Holy cow! ~ I was on the fence about avocados in general, these lil babies knock me flat off & into their waiting arms!

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