Surry Hills, Sydney... Nomad, The 150-seat venue offers the best wines from lesser-known regions of Australia, and a food ethos which champions traditional techniques such as curing and smoking, and even on-site cheese making. #SurryHills #Sydney #Nomad #venue #wine #Australia #food #traditional #techniques #cheese #warehouse #architecture #interior #interiors #design #simple #snellarchitects #concrete #steel #innovative

Surry Hills, Sydney... Nomad, The 150-seat venue offers the best wines from lesser-known regions of Australia, and a food ethos which champions traditional techniques such as curing and smoking, and even on-site cheese making. #SurryHills #Sydney #Nomad #venue #wine #Australia #food #traditional #techniques #cheese #warehouse #architecture #interior #interior s #design #simple #snellarchitects #concrete #steel #innovative

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