$15 This is a guidebook to help anyone who needs to heal emotional wounds, but isn't sure how, or where to start. A broken heart is one of the most difficult things a person can endure in their lifetime. When a hurricane rips through our house, we file a claim with insurance and build a new one. When we get laid off from our job, we find another one. Both of these instances are devastating, yet we seem to be able to pick up the pieces and move on. However, when our lover leaves us we can't eat, we can't sleep, we can't function as human beings any longer. We feel as if our souls have been ripped from our bodies. We are walking around like an empty bag of bones. Some of us do this for years in and years out. We just don't know what to do. How do you heal your broken heart? Within this book you will discover all the methods to deal with those painful emotions and move on with your life. If you never take the time to heal yourself, you are going out into the world with broken pieces inside of you. There is a way to put them back together again and feel love, fresh and new without the baggage of the past! PARKER PATHWAYS BOOK REVIEW: If you want to know how to reconnect with your inner "broken heart" this is the book for you. Everyone has a definition about a broken heart, some say it is sadness, others say it is something I have to "get on with my life." But the broken heart remains broken as if you are undergoing forever Post-Traumatic Stress. The truth is you have to get down and dirty and build a new pathway. It starts out by digging "deep" into your being in order to come out at the other end of the tunnel and become what I call the "Real You." Moments in this book border on powerful discoveries that appear simple, but as in all nature simple survives to overcome adversity. If you follow the rules in this book, you will rise to the center of your consciousness in the "Real You." Once you have accomplished this, you will be continually speaking from your full heart and n

This is a guidebook to help anyone who needs to heal emotional wounds, but isn't sure how, or where to start. A broken heart is one of the most difficult things a person can endure in their lifetime. When a hurricane rips through our house, we file a claim with insurance and build a new one. When we get laid off from our job, we find another one. Both of these instances are devastating, yet we seem to be able to pick up the pieces and move on. However, when our lover leaves us we can't eat, we can't sleep, we can't function as human beings any longer. We feel as if our souls have been ripped from our bodies. We are walking around like an empty bag of bones. Some of us do this for years in and years out. We just don't know what to do. How do you heal your broken heart? Within this book you will discover all the methods to deal with those painful emotions and move on with your life. If you never take the time to heal yourself, you are going out into the world with broken pieces inside of you. There is a way to put them back together again and feel love, fresh and new without the baggage of the past! PARKER PATHWAYS BOOK REVIEW: If you want to know how to reconnect with your inner "broken heart" this is the book for you. Everyone has a definition about a broken heart, some say it is sadness, others say it is something I have to "get on with my life." But the broken heart remains broken as if you are undergoing forever Post-Traumatic Stress. The truth is you have to get down and dirty and build a new pathway. It starts out by digging "deep" into your being in order to come out at the other end of the tunnel and become what I call the "Real You." Moments in this book border on powerful discoveries that appear simple, but as in all nature simple survives to overcome adversity. If you follow the rules in this book, you will rise to the center of your consciousness in the "Real You." Once you have accomplished this, you will be continually speaking from your full heart and n

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