$2 Fact/How To - Depression - how to help yourself through it While it provides guidelines to tame the black dog, this is book offers over 150 pages to help you deal with depression. 10 fundamental emotional needs 9 of the best herbs known to mankind to help INCREASE VITALITY and balance mood - and they're not supplements 8 foods and fluids you should be lapping up to keep depression under control 7 important steps to all round emotional health 6 statistics about depression 5 reasons why supplements are NOT that good for you 4 foods and fluids you should ALWAYS avoid like the plague if you suffer with depression 3 most IMPORTANT chemicals the experts say are unbalanced in a person experiencing depression - and why they're not A couple of pointers to help you ACTIVELY RELAX, give yourself time, learn about loss and cherish your memories The single most fundamental food that a restaurant worth its salt would NEVER dream serve you after you've eaten your meal As well as many more QUICK TIPS to get you well on the path to shaking off the weight of depression.

Fact/How To - Depression - how to help yourself through it While it provides guidelines to tame the black dog, this is book offers over 150 pages to help you deal with depression. 10 fundamental emotional needs 9 of the best herbs known to mankind to help INCREASE VITALITY and balance mood - and they're not supplements 8 foods and fluids you should be lapping up to keep depression under control 7 important steps to all round emotional health 6 statistics about depression 5 reasons why supplements are NOT that good for you 4 foods and fluids you should ALWAYS avoid like the plague if you suffer with depression 3 most IMPORTANT chemicals the experts say are unbalanced in a person experiencing depression - and why they're not A couple of pointers to help you ACTIVELY RELAX, give yourself time, learn about loss and cherish your memories The single most fundamental food that a restaurant worth its salt would NEVER dream serve you after you've eaten your meal As well as many more QUICK TIPS to get you well on the path to shaking off the weight of depression.

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