Foods that heal gallbladder :  Broccoli Rocket Beetroot Oranges Jasmine tea Green tea Radishes Basil Garlic Cayenne (this may seem contradictory, but Cayenne is very moving for qi. Just remember, moderation!) Dill Chive Cardamom Lemon Dandelion root Licorice root Cumquat Grapefruit Kale Carrot Celery Peppermint tea Chrysanthemum tea Tea with orange peel

Foods that heal gallbladder : Broccoli Rocket Beetroot Oranges Jasmine tea Green tea Radishes Basil Garlic Cayenne (this may seem contradictory, but Cayenne is very moving for qi. Just remember, moderation!) Dill Chive Cardamom Lemon Dandelion root Licorice root Cumquat Grapefruit Kale Carrot Celery Peppermint tea Chrysanthemum tea Tea with orange peel

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