Avocado & Matcha Chai Shake  2 heaping cups almond milk 1.5Tbs black tea leaves 1/4tsp ground cinnamon 1/4tsp ground cardamom 1/8ground cloves stevia to taste 1tsp vanilla extract 2tsp matcha (green tea) powder 1 very ripe avocado, cubed ice cubes  Heat milk on med-low. Once warm (not hot), remove from heat, add black tea, cinnamon, cardamom &cloves. Steep 15min, strain. Cool, stir in stevia, vanilla & matcha.  In a blender, put almond milk chai & the rest of ingredients. Blend smooth.

Avocado & Matcha Chai Shake 2 heaping cups almond milk 1.5Tbs black tea leaves 1/4tsp ground cinnamon 1/4tsp ground cardamom 1/8ground cloves stevia to taste 1tsp vanilla extract 2tsp matcha (green tea) powder 1 very ripe avocado, cubed ice cubes Heat milk on med-low. Once warm (not hot), remove from heat, add black tea, cinnamon, cardamom &cloves. Steep 15min, strain. Cool, stir in stevia, vanilla & matcha. In a blender, put almond milk chai & the rest of ingredients. Blend smooth.

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